Platform Media Sosial terkini iaitu Clubhouse
Update : 23 May 2021 Kini bukan hanya iPhone sahaja boleh guna Clubhouse tapi Android pun boleh dengan download pada link di sini tapi kalau Android phone anda jenis lama memang tak dapat nak guna app ni. Pada 02 Feb 2021, Apple mula blok downgrade ke iOS 14.3 dari iOS 14.4 manakala iOS 14.5 beta telah released. Saya telah register app Clubhouse dan menunggu akaun Clubhouse saya siap. Alhamdulillah saya dah boleh guna. Pada 12 April 2021, data 1.3 juta data pengguna Clubhouse di jual di online. Clubhouse pula mengeluarkan kenyataan berikut berhubung isu ini "Clubhouse, meanwhile, refutes all claims of being breached or hacked, calling the report “misleading and false”. It says on Twitter, “The data referred to is all public profile information from our app, which anyone can access via the app or our API.” Clubhouse users are advised to change their password and use a good password manager to create unique passwords and store them securely. Ensure that you are cautious while openi...