Cara first time guna Maybank app

Artikal 339 - Tak tahu nak guna Maybank app?
Anda kena download Maybank MY app dulu.

Bagi pengguna:
Android download Maybank MY di Google Play Store
iPhone download Maybank MY di Apps Store

Setelah download, anda kena ikuti cara nak set up Maybank MY seperti berikut

How do you set up the Maybank app?
For existing users, select a service you would like to use.

a. For existing Maybank customers (i.e. with a Maybank2u username and password)
i. Select ‘Maybank2u – Transactions and Account Enquiries’
ii. Proceed to enter your username
iii. Confirm your security image and phrase and tap YES
iv. Proceed to enter your password
v. Upon successful validation, you will gain access to the Maybank app
vi. For customers with fingerprint-enabled devices, activate Quick Touch for instant
login to view account balances. However, to perform financial transactions, you
will be required to enter your password

b. For customers who do not have Maybank2u username and password, but have Quick
Balance access (i.e. PIN or activated Quick Touch)
i. Select ‘Quick Balance – Account Enquiries Only’
ii. Enter the requested information and submit
iii. Tap ‘Confirm’ to confirm your mobile number
iv. Enter the OTP sent via SMS
v. Enter the same existing 6 digit Quick Balance PIN
vi. For customers with fingerprint-enabled devices, activate Quick Touch for instant
login to view account balances

c. For new customers who have neither Maybank2u or Quick Balance access
i. Select ‘Register Now’
ii. Then select either to Register for Maybank2u or Register for Quick Balance
iii. Customers will be redirected to the Maybank website for online registration of

I can’t perform any transaction through the app. What should I do?
If you’re facing problems with the app, please try one any one of these methods:

a. Restart device - Many common download issues can be fixed by turning off, restarting
device and re-try to download.

b. Check data connection - strong Internet connection (Wi-Fi or mobile data) is required to
use the app. Re-launch the app when Internet connection is good.

c. Check device’s available storage – If your device’s storage space is low, please uninstall
other apps or delete items like pictures or videos to free up space. The problem could also
be attributed to multiple suspended apps running in the background. This is known as
multitasking and can use up a lot of the device’s free memory. Try closing down unused
apps to free up memory and resources.

d. Clear cache & data - Clear cache and data on the App Store or Google Play Store
application and try to download the app again.

e. Remove and re-download the app.

I received an error message saying “Device not compatible” from Play Store when I tried to
download the app. What should I do?
One possible cause for some devices, especially the lower end devices is that they have smaller
than 50 MB cache partition size.
For temporary workaround, you may want to try clearing Play Store data from your device and
re-installing the app. To do this, go to Settings > Application Manager > All > Google Play Store >
Clear data.

Why do I get an error message saying “Username cannot include special characters except
underscore bar and full stop”?
Most devices have the auto-complete feature enabled for typing. If a customer enables the autocomplete feature, a space is appended at the end of the username, which causes the error. Please remove the space after the username.

Is the app secure?
Yes the app is equipped with various security features:-
a. The mobile device can only be tied to your Maybank2u access (i.e. username(s)).

Ini bermakna, orang lain tak tahu username anda, so mereka tak dapat nak login account anda

b. Access to banking services is protected by a secured login procedure using security image
and passphrase to ensure app is connected to the official Maybank site.

Ini bermakna, hanya image yang telah anda pilih saja akan dipaparkan berserta dengan passphrase yang anda pilih. Bila anda lihat image dan passphrase tersebut anda tahu anda betul berada pada official Maybank site

c. Challenge Questions is also imposed to authenticate transactions that are deemed high

Sistem akan pop up Challenge Questions pada mana-mana transaksi perlu bagi menambahkan keselamatan

d. Only 1 login session is allowed per Maybank2u access (i.e. specific username & password).
If the same Maybank2u access is used to login from another device, the current session
will be terminated when trying to perform a monetary transaction.

Ini bermakna, jika ada orang lain cuba login ke account anda dengan menggunakan username dan password anda pada device yang lain, sesi semasa akan dimatikan kerana hanya satu login dalam satu masa sahaja dibenarkan. oleh sebab itu, kekerapan anda tukar password dapat meningkatkan lagi ciri keselamatan jika ada orang lain tahu password anda.

e. Sensitive data such as password or transaction information will be transmitted on public
network through secured protocols SSL, TLS and HTTPS.

Ini bermakna, sistem yang digunakan oleh Maybank MY mengikuti sistem keselamatan terkini

f. Confidential account information is not stored on the mobile device.

Ini bermakna, anda perlu taip manual password anda kerana password anda tidak akan di simpan di mobile phone anda bagi meningkatkan ciri keselamatan


1. What is Secure2u?
Secure2u is a safer and convenient way to authorise transactions using Secure Verification and
Secure TAC. This new feature is available only on the new Maybank app, which can be
downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple Store. Customers are required to register for
Secure2u before enjoying this new authorise transaction method.
+ Secure Verification is a feature that allows user to approve or reject Maybank2u selected
web and mobile transactions directly from their smartphones.
+ Secure TAC will require you to key in a 6-digit TAC number generated on the mobile app
to authorise Maybank2u transactions.
Secure TAC is a new alternative to SMS TAC for selected web transactions.

2. What is the difference between Secure Verification, Secure TAC & SMS TAC?
The difference between Secure Verification, Secure TAC & SMS TAC are as per below:
+ Secure Verification – A notification alert will be sent to customers’ registered device for
selected transactions. The transactions must be approved or rejected within 30 seconds.
+ Secure TAC – Consists of 6-digit TAC number, generated in Maybank app. Please use the
number to authorise your transaction via Maybank2u website.
+ SMS TAC – Current 6-digit TAC number received via SMS.

Ini bermakna, Secure2u menggunakan ciri unik mobile phone anda yang tidak terdapat pada mana-mana mobile phone lain bagi menambahkan lagi pelbagai ciri-ciri keselamatan sedia ada untuk pengguna Maybank MY. Transaksi yang cuba dilakukan dari device lain tidak akan berjaya kerana secure2u direka khas untuk mengenali device yang anda gunakan sahaja iaitu mobile phone anda.

QURAN 3:53

"Our Lord, we have believed in what You revealed and have followed the messenger Jesus, so register us among the witnesses [to truth]."

"Wahai Tuhan kami! Kami telah beriman kepada apa yang telah Engkau turunkan, dan kami mengikut RasulMu; oleh itu suratkanlah kami beserta orang-orang yang menjadi saksi (yang mengakui keesaanMu dan kebenaran RasulMu)".

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