
AZA - Artikal 140

Islam takut dengan bakal presiden baru Amerika yang anti Islam? Islam takut kepada Allah sebenarnya. Amerika itu hanya lah salah satu negara yang terdapat di dunia. Seperti negara lain yang punyai masalah banjir, penganguran, pencemaran dan sebagainya.

Dari saya kecil sampai sekarang tak habis-habis cerita berkaitan Amerika. Jemu sudah.  Kalau boleh saya censored keyword "AMERIKA"  dah lama saya buat.

Banyak lagi negara kat dunia ni. Cukup sudah a-me-ri-ka.

Amerika satu-satunya negara di dunia yang menggunakan senjata nuclear ke atas negara lain iaitu Japan.

Lihat berapa ramai Muslim di negara berikut:

Amerika 3 millions (1996).
China 21 millions (2009).
Europe 44 millions (2010).
India 172 millions (2011).
Russia 9 millions (2012).


71 years of nuclear existence and counting.


The United States spends more on its military than any other nation in the world. The US spent $640 billion on defense in 2013, followed by China with $188 billion and Russia with $88 billion.


The United States developed the first atomic weapons during World War II in co-operation with the United Kingdom and Canada as part of the Manhattan Project. It tested the first nuclear weapon in 1945 (“Trinity”), and remains the only country to have used nuclear weapons against an enemy state in warfare, devastating the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Those each countries nuclear weapon and nuclear power plant owner must pay some value of money to their citizen due to using this dangerous chemical and pay some penalties to each and every time business trading with country not owned nuclear weapon and nuclear power plant.


Those citizen, please do your own effort to fight use of this dangerous chemical.

Sweeden : Margot Wallstrom says ” all nuclear weapons are decommissioned “


Another statements to say okay for use of dangerous chemical

” There is a big difference between perceived and real threats”

” Nuclear energy is without doubt still the most effective and efficient way of redusing use fossil fuel sources”


Putin has urged Rosatom to increase the number of reactors in India to 25


Either it is nuclear weapon or nuclear power plant or what so ever, still it is a nuclear ( Iodine 131 and cesium 137, can lay undetected for years or even decades in a person’s body.But these particles, once in the human thyroid, can lead to cancer ) . “ the substances inside were the same ones release in Chernobyl and Fukushima,” . “The result is the same.” Again a leadership decision consequences remains even they were dead. Even worst the successor continuing the legacy despite jeopardise world community.What obviously seen makes you so funny.


Nuclear must be destroyed not simply stored or partially dismantled or what so ever. The date line to destroy it must stated now.


All nuclear power plant must change starting from now onwards.


Each country own nuclear must pay some value of money to their citizen due to using this dangerous chemical.


Each country own nuclear must pay some penalties when business trading with non own nuclear country and PBB main agenda should be at the first place.


The latest round of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program took place on March 18-20 in Vienna. The P5+1 group (the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany) addressed Iran’s uranium enrichment program, a nearly finished nuclear reactor and the lifting of sanctions on Iran that have been imposed successively over the past decade.


“In the three years since the disaster, we had not had any worker deaths caused by work [inside the plant]. The fact that such a serious accident has occurred is deeply regrettable,” said Masayuki Ono, a spokesperson for TEPCO in Tokyo


List of states with nuclear weapons

    United States
    United Kingdom
    North Korea
    Israel ( 32 countries do not recognise Israel )



As Tunisia’s new constitution and new government have raised its international profile, a group of anti-nuclear weapons activists are calling on the country to initiate and support negotiations for a treaty to ban nuclear weapons.

Fifteen Tunisian campaigners are currently working with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), an international civil society coalition active in 80 countries. ICAN chapters lobby their local governments to engage on the issue.

ICAN established a Tunis office last month and is planning exhibitions and discussions to address the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and how the broader Maghreb region can engage in the issue.

The organization’s members believe the issue is one Tunisians should care deeply about, despite the country’s lack of nuclear weapons or nuclear power.

“A nuclear detonation anywhere in the world could have terrible global consequences, and it would be devastating if several or more were used,” says Achraf Ayadi, the ICAN regional campaign representative in Tunisia.

Ayadi represented Tunisian activists in an ICAN forum in Oslo last March and a United Nations meeting on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty last April in Geneva.

“The Tunisian government inheriting the revolution could really show its will and commitment for a more peaceful and secure world and inspire governments in the region and elsewhere to build a world free of nuclear weapons,” Ayadi said.

While the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which has been signed by 189 countries, bans the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology beyond the five countries that had these weapons when the treaty was introduced in 1968. Four other states are known to have since acquired a nuclear arsenal.

Tunisia is a member of the Treaty of Pelindaba, which established a nuclear-weapons-free zone among signatory countries. It went into effect in 2009 and currently includes 39 member states from the African continent. The treaty prohibits the development, manufacture, or stockpiling of nuclear explosive devices.

The continent of Africa has been free of nuclear weapons since South Africa dismantled its weapons program in the 1990s.

Ayadi believes Tunisia can play a leading role in pushing treaty members to take more ambitious global action.

“Tunisia can play a role in mobilizing the African members of the Pelindaba treaty to push for a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons,” he said. “We are working to mobilize people in all countries to inspire, persuade, and pressure our governments to initiate negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons.”

Tunisia has long considered adopting a nuclear energy program and the construction of a nuclear reactor.

Studies have shown that nuclear energy plants could be economically competitive for electricity production in the country, according to a March 2013 presentation by Hafedh Benmabrouk of the National Center for Nuclear Science and Technology.

The Tunisian public electricity provider STEG was asked by the government in 2006 to conduct an official study with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on whether nuclear power could be technically and economically feasible. The results were due late last year, but are not yet available.

STEG announced last year that it is studying the potential introduction of nuclear energy in Tunisia, but no plants currently exist in the country.


Spain’s unemployment

Spain has now seen six straight years of job destruction. Some 198,900 jobs disappeared in Spain year 2013, and 3.5 million have vanished since the country’s crisis began in 2008.

There are 1,832,300 households in Spain where nobody has a job. That is 1.36 percent more than a year earlier.

Some 686,600 households in Spain have no income at all — not even social security. That is twice the figure seen in 2007, or before the crisis struck.

More than 3.5 million in Spain have been out of work for at least a year — that 61 percent of all people who currently find themselves without work in the country. Some 2.3 million people have been out of work for at least two years.

Spain’s new jobs are of poor quality. The number of ongoing positions in Spain fell by 269,000 in 2013 while the number of temporary contracts rose by 81,300.

Some 69,000 found work in 2013, but unemployment actually rose in the final three months of the year. This is because the number of ‘active’ people in Spain — those working, or seeking employment — actually fell by 267,900 last year, leaving a smaller pool of people fighting for the same jobs. Many people — especially those in the 16–35 age group — have simply given up looking for work, or have left the country to look for work elsewhere. They are therefore no longer included in the official figures.

Working Spaniards put in 5.86 million hours of overtime every week from October to December, up 18.4 percent on a year earlier. A total of 57.7 percent of those hours, or 3,38 million a week are unpaid. This is equivalent to 146,500 new jobs, says Spain’s La Voz de Galicia newspaper.


"Allah's Messenger (ï·º) said, "Don't sell gold for gold unless equal in weight, nor silver for silver unless equal in weight, but you could sell gold for silver or silver for gold as you like." (Sahih al-Bukhari 2175).


29 Dec 2015

Peristiwa yang berlaku di Fukushima adalah bukti jelas mengapa nuclear merbahaya buat negara pemilik dan alam sekitar. Elektrik di dunia menggunakan 11 % dari tenaga nuclear adalah bukti jelas sumber tenaga lain lebih banyak menjadi pilihan di dunia berbanding nuclear.

Kazakhstan adalah pengeluar bahan utama untuk penghasilan nuclear iaitu uranium di ikuti oleh Canada dan Australia. Pengguna terbesar adalah Amerika di ikuti France dan China. Nilai yang sangat besar iaitu 150 million pound uranium digunakan pada tahun 2015.


06 Jul 2015

Austria has filed a legal challenge at the European Court of Justice against EU-granted state subsidies for a new nuclear power plant in Britain, government officials confirmed on Monday.

“Subsidies are there to support modern technologies that lie in the general interest of all EU member states. This is not the case with nuclear power,” Chancellor Werner Faymann said in a statement.

Austria argues that the Hinkley Point C project is in breach of European law and risks distorting the energy market.

Under the disputed deal, Britain would help fund the construction of two new reactors in south-west England.

As part of the agreement, the British government would guarantee an elevated 35-year fixed electricity rate to French energy group EDF, which would be in charge of the building the plant.

But Austrian Environment Minister Andrä Rupprechter said nuclear energy was no longer able to “survive economically” and should “not be artificially resuscitated through state subsidies”.

“Instead of funding unsafe and costly energy forms that are outdated, we have to support Europe’s energy turnaround with the expansion of renewable energies,” he said.

Initially projected to cost £16 billion ($25 billion, €22.6 billion), EU officials now estimate the project will require £24.5 billion.

Despite opposition from activists and several member states, the European Commission approved the project in October after Britain modified funding plans for the deal.

“We are confident that the European Commission’s state aid decision on Hinkley Point C is legally robust,” a spokeswoman for Britain’s Department of Energy and Climate Change said last week.


28 Mar 2014

India has successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable medium range Prithvi-II ballistic missile from a military base in Odisha.

“It was a perfect launch. It met all mission objectives,” test range director M V K V Prasad told IANS after a successful launch from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Balasore district.

The Prithvi-II missile has a maximum range of 350 km. With a flight duration time of 483 seconds the missile reaches an altitude of 43.5 km, and can carry a up to a 1 ton warhead.

Prithvi-II is India’s first native-made ballistic missile and is one of the five missiles being developed under Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme.

The rocket launched on Friday was randomly picked from the assembly line and was launched to test the single digit accuracy reaching close to zero circular error probability (CEP).

The 4.6-ton missile is thrust by liquid propulsion twin engines and uses an inertial guidance system. The warhead is guided by a radar correlation terminal guidance system.

“The missile trajectory was tracked by DRDO radars, electro-optical tracking systems and telemetry stations located along the coast of Odisha,” Prasad said.

The Strategic Forces Command (SFC) said that the Indian Army conducted the test as part of a regular training exercise. The last user trial of Prithvi II was conducted from the same base on 7 January 2014.


23 Jan 2014

Since the outbreak of the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, leakage of radiation-contaminated water has posed a major threat to Japan’s population and environment, and to the international community. According to Asia’s largest utility, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), water leakage was identified for the first time by a robot removing debris on the first floor of Unit 3 Reactor at the Fukushima plant.


List of nuclear disasters

2011 March 12  – Fukushima. Level 7 nuclear accident on the INES. Three of the reactors at Fukushima I overheated, causing meltdowns that eventually led to explosions, which released large amounts of radioactive material into the environment.

2010 April  – Mayapuri radiological accident. One fatality.

2004 August 9 – Mihama Nuclear Power Plant accident. Hot water and steam leaked from a broken pipe. The accident was the worst nuclear disaster of Japan up until that time, excluding Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Five fatalities.

2000 August  to March 2001 – Instituto Oncologico Nacional of Panama; 17 patients receiving treatment for prostate cancer and cancer of the cervix received lethal doses of radiation.

2000 February  – Three deaths and ten injuries resulted in Samut Prakarn when a radiation-therapy unit was dismantled.

1999 September 30 –  Tokaimura nuclear accident, nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, two fatalities.

1996 San Juan de Dios radiotherapy accident

1996 – Radiotherapy accident in Costa Rica. Thirteen fatalities and 114 other patients received an overdose of radiation.

1993 – April 6, accident at the Tomsk-7 Reprocessing Complex, when a tank exploded while being cleaned with nitric acid. The explosion released a cloud of radioactive gas (INES level 4).

1990 Clinic of Zaragoza radiotherapy accident.

1987 Goiânia accident.

1987 – September 13, Goiania accident. Four fatalities and 320 other people received serious radiation contamination.

1986 – April 26, Chernobyl disaster. Fifty-six direct deaths (47 accident workers, and nine children with thyroid cancer), and it is estimated that there were 4,000 extra cancer deaths among the approximately 600,000 most highly exposed people.

1985 – August 10, Soviet submarine K-431 accident. Ten fatalities and 49 other people suffered radiation injuries.

1984 – March , Radiation accident in Morocco, eight fatalities.

1982 – 5 October, Lost radiation source, Baku, Azerbaidjan, USSR. Five fatalities and 13 injuries.

1980 – Houston radiotherapy accident, 7 deaths.

1979 Three Mile Island accident and Three Mile Island accident health effects.

1979 – Church Rock Uranium Mill spill in New Mexico.

1979 – Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania. Partial core meltdown, making it the most significant accident in U.S. history. No fatalities.

1974-1976 – Columbus radiotherapy accident, 10 deaths and 88 injuries.

1970 – December 18, After the Baneberry test at Yucca Flat, radioactive debris vented into the atmosphere, and 86 workers at the site were exposed to radiation.

1969 Lucens reactor.

1968 – January 21, Thule accident.

1968 – May 24, Soviet submarine K-27 accident. Nine fatalities and 83 people were injured.

1966 – January 17, Palomares B-52 crash.

1965 Philippine Sea A-4 crash, where a Skyhawk attack aircraft with a nuclear weapon in US-occupied Okinawa fell into the sea. The pilot, the aircraft, and the B43 nuclear bomb were never recovered.[6] It was not until the 1980s that the Pentagon revealed the loss of the one-megaton bomb.

1962 Thor missile launch failures during nuclear weapons testing at Johnston Atoll under Operation Fishbowl.

1962 Cuban missile crisis.

1962 – Radiation accident in Mexico City, four fatalities.

1961 – (US Army) SL-1 accident resulted in three fatalities.

1961 – July 4, Soviet submarine K-19 accident. Eight fatalities and more than 30 people were over-exposed to radiation.

1958 – December 30, Cecil Kelley criticality accident, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

1957 Kyshtym disaster.

1957 Operation Plumbbob.

1957 – October 8, Windscale fire ignites plutonium piles and contaminates surrounding dairy farms, 33 cancer deaths.

1957 – September 29, Mayak nuclear waste storage tank explosion at Chelyabinsk. Two hundred plus fatalities and this figure is a conservative estimate; 270,000 people were exposed to dangerous radiation levels. Over thirty small communities had been removed from Soviet maps between 1958 and 1991.[13] (INES level 6).

1954 Totskoye nuclear exercise.

1954 – March 1, Daigo FukuryÅ« Maru, one fatality.

1946 – May 21, Louis Slotin died.

1945 – August 21, Harry K. Daghlian, Jr died at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.2011 March 12  – Fukushima. Level 7 nuclear accident on the INES. Three of the reactors at Fukushima I overheated, causing meltdowns that eventually led to explosions, which released large amounts of radioactive material into the environment.


Let see who is made excuses to jeopardize their people and world community


Quran 2:140

""Atau patutkah kamu mengatakan, bahawa Nabi Ibrahim, dan Nabi Ismail, dan Nabi Ishak, dan Nabi Yaakub beserta anak-anaknya, mereka semua adalah orang-orang Yahudi atau Nasrani, (padahal ugama mereka telahpun ada sebelum adanya ugama Yahudi atau ugama Kristian itu)?" Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Adakah kamu yang lebih mengetahui atau Allah? Dan siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orang yang menyembunyikan keterangan (saksi dan bukti) yang telah diberikan Allah kepadanya?" Dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai akan apa yang telah kamu lakukan."

"Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants were Jews or Christians? Say, "Are you more knowing or is Allah ?" And who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has from Allah ? And Allah is not unaware of what you do."

Kefahaman AZA

"Menafikan kebenaran adalah zalim"





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