Cara guna Maybank E-Wallet (MAE)

Artikal 331 - Berikut FAQ mengenai MAE
Invite code AZA untuk MAE ialah abz1126

1. Who can open MAE?
Below are the eligibilities:

  • Age 12 and above
  • Malaysian or Non Malaysian
  • New bank or Existing bank customers
  • Available from 6.00am to 11.00pm daily

2. What are the differences between MAE and other accounts?
MAE is an e-Wallet, that allow customer to open Maybank eWallet account instantly under the Interoperable Credit Transfer Framework (ICTF) issued by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2018.

3. What do customer get from applying MAE?
For New bank customers:
  • Virtual Card
  • MAE Account number
  • M2U ID

For Existing bank customers:

  • New Account number, linked to their existing access.

4. What is the benefit to customers choosing MAE instead of other types of product with

  • Convenience of application, can apply through existing Maybank2u Mobile

Application anytime, from anywhere.

  • New lifestyle features that currently only offered via MAE ie. Movie / Flight Ticket purchase, Request Money, Splitbill and Send Money

5. Can customer withdraw cash from our ATM or SRM machines?

  • New bank customers – No
  • Existing bank customers – Yes

6. What is the usage of the virtual card?
Customers will be provided with virtual card number, expiry date and CVV. Customer’s MSOS also will be registered automatically upon onboarding of MAE. With this, customer will be able to use the card for:

  • Online ecommerce purchases
  • Maybank Pay
  • Samsung Pay

7. What else can I do with MAE?
MAE allows you to:

  • Perform payment using QRPay
  • Pay your bills and perform prepaid top ups
  • Access to thousands of our Maybank2u billers
  • Purchase movie and flight tickets through a single app
  • Split Bills or Request Money from/with your friends and family

8. How do I top up my MAE?

  • FPX (New bank customer or customer without Maybank CASA only). Minimum RM10
  • Debit Card (New bank customer or customer without Maybank CASA only). Minimum RM10
  • CDM
  • Intrabank transfer from Maybank2u or ATM
  • Interbank transfer from other bank
AZA guna cara untuk masukkan duit ke MAE antara 2 pilihan berikut:

1. Guna Maybank2u

Melalui fungsi "transfer to own account" untuk sediakan duit pada account MAE AZA.

2. Guna Maybank App

STEP 1 : Tap pada logo MAE di Maybank App anda

STEP 2 : Tap pada "MONEY IN"
Nota-Antara pilihan lain pada step ini adalah SPLIT BILL, REQUEST MONEY dan MY QR. Manakala pilihan yang ada pada "MONEY OUT" adalah PAY WITH QR, PAY BILLS, SEND MONEY, RELOAD MOBILE, BUY MOVIE TICKETS, BUY FLIGHT TICKETS dan KLIA EKSPRES.

STEP 3 : Tap pada "TOP UP WALLET"

STEP 4 : Tap pada dari account mana anda mahu top up ke MAE account anda. Jika anda ada lebih dari satu account dengan Maybank. Contoh Credit Card / Saving.

STEP 5 : Masukkan jumlah yang ingin anda top up dan ia akan terus saja di top up ke MAE account anda. Anda boleh lihat jumlah terkini MAE account anda setelah top up tersebut berjaya.

*9. What is the benefit of Step Up?

  • Only applicable to New bank customers.
  • This is designed for customer that requires a full banking suite. Customer can use the step up function in MAE dashboard.
  • Upon successful Step Up in the app, an M2U.Premier account will be created immediately.
  • Customers are required to perform KYC at any branch, within 10 working days.
  • Upon completion, customer will have 2 accounts (MAE and M2U.Premier) linked to their new physical debit card given by the branch.

10. Can I close my MAE account?
Yes, you can perform account closure at Maybank branches.

*11. I want to buy movie tickets. Which cinema is available?

*12. What should I do if my virtual card got fraud?
You may call our Maybank Group Call Centre (MGCC) as soon as possible to block the card to
 assist you.

13. How long is the validity of Splitbill?
Your friends have 30 days to perform splitbill payment to you. Splitbill will expire after 30 days.

14. How long is the validity of Request Money?
Your friend have 5 days to perform payment to you. The request will expire after 5 days.

15. How long is the validity of Send Money?
Send Money will immediate Debit and Credit respective account.

16. Can I perform Splitbill with friends that do not have MAE?
Yes. You can create splitbill to them and share to them the splitbill details via social media ie. Whatsapp, Messenger and so on.

17. Can I perform Request Money from friend that do not have MAE?
Yes. You can Request Money from them. You will be able to share the Request Money details to your friend using social media.

18. Can I perform Send Money to friend that do not have MAE?
Yes. The money will be sent using existing Mobile Transfer function. You are required to share the claim code to your friend to claim the money.

19. Is there any charges using MAE?
No, this service is free.

*20. Do we get interest from the deposit?
No, MAE account is interest free.

21. What is the currency that I can use on MAE?
Currently, MAE only uses Ringgit Malaysia.

22. Is there any fee on early account closure?
No, you can walk in to our branch to close and it is free. There is no charge.

23. I am an existing M2U user. Can I apply for MAE?
Yes, you can. However, you will not get a virtual card as the MAE account will be linked to your existing M2U access. You will also be able to withdraw cash from our SST using your existing Debit/ATM card.

24. Virtual Card MSOS
All virtual card will be registered with the MSOS using the MAE’s phone number. If you would like to change your MSOS number, you may contact Maybank Group Call Centre (MGCC) for assistance.

 25. Split Bill limit
Minimum Split Bill amount: RM1.00
Maximum Split Bill amount: RM4,999.99
Maximum number of member: 30

*26. I am a MAE customer below 18 years old. How can I Step Up?
Customer below 18 years old cannot step up because M2U.Premier product is only applicable to 18 years and above.
You can walk-in to branch to apply for IMTeen account.

27. Can I make purchase at non-3D site using virtual card?
By default, your virtual card opt out from non-3D. You are required to call to MGCC to opt in, to enable the function to make purchase at non-3D secure site.

28. What happen to my inactive MAE?
MAE account will be closed automatically after 90 days if there is no monetary activity after onboarding.

Ini bermakna, once anda pernah guna sekali MAE dalam tempoh 90 hari, maka account MAE anda akan terus aktif sampai bila-bila. Kalau anda nak close account MAE anda, anda perlu pergi ke mana-mana cawangan Maybank yang berhampiran dengan anda.

Message "invite" yang di genarate oleh Maybank app bila AZA invite sesiapa untuk guna MAE adalah seperti berikut

Have you tried MAE?

It’s really aMAEzing! MAE is the only bank account with e-wallet features in town! Send, request cash and split bills among your buddies. Go cashless everywhere with your virtual card and QRPay. Grab the best flights and movie tickets. And more. All at your fingertips!

MAE invite code: abz1126

Download the Maybank app from App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android) and sign up for MAE to experience it now!

Bagaimana nak dapatkan code invite anda?

STEP 1 : Login Maybank app yang terdapat pada mobile phone anda

STEP 2 : Tap logo MAE

STEP 3 : Tap logo profile yang terletak di penjuru kiri bahagian atas Maybank app anda

STEP 4 : Tap logo "Invite friends" dan skrin invite code anda akan dipaparkan

STEP 5 : Tap" Invite your MAE-tes now!"

STEP 6 : Skrin pelbagai platform untuk share invite tersebut akan dipaparkan. Pilih platform mana anda nak share. Katakan anda pilih "WhatsApp". So tap pada WhatsApp

STEP 7 : Pilih kepada siapa anda nak share di WhatsApp tersebut samada individu mahupun group

STEP 8 : Tap "next"

STEP 9 : Tap "send". Itu sahaja.

AZA punya MAE invite code ialah abz1126


Anda hanya boleh main MAE MAYBANK bila ada penyertaan dari mana-mana invite code anda. Ianya permainan untuk jana pendapatan hanya bila ada penyertaan pengguna baru hasil daripada invite code anda.

1. Login maybank app
2. Tap simbol "M" pada bahagian bawah kanan skrin anda dan skrin baru akan dipaparkan.
3. Status "chance(s)" pada bahagian MONEY IN disebelah kanan skrin anda memaparkan "0" MONEY MAE-HEM jika anda tidak boleh main dan jika bukan "0" anda boleh main. Invite rakan anda menggunakan MAE invite code anda dan jika ada diantara mereka yang menggunakan invite code anda maka paparan MONEY MAE-HEM tidak lagi "0" dan anda boleh main MAE MAYBANK.

Sekian artikal untuk kali ini. AZA akan update di sini kalau invite code AZA iaitu abz1126 "win cash" Aamiin.


Pada March 2020, MAE telah membuat beberapa perubahan pada no.1-28 dan menambah pertukaran kepada pengguna untuk akaun MAE boleh diurus mengikut Syariah Compliance. Manakala perubahan M2U.Premier turut dilakukan.

QURAN 3:45

"(Ingatlah) ketika malaikat berkata: "Wahai Maryam! Bahawasanya Allah memberikan khabar yang mengembirakanmu, dengan (mengurniakan seorang anak yang engkau akan kandungkan semata-mata dengan) Kalimah daripada Allah, nama anak itu: Al-Masih, Isa Ibni Maryam, seorang yang terkemuka di dunia dan di akhirat, dan ia juga dari orang-orang yang didampingkan (diberi kemuliaan di sisi Allah)."

"[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ]"


"Allah memberi kelebihan atau kekurangan kepada individu melalui pelbagai cara"





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