Latest update on all about BRICS

 Welcome everyone! On this post, we will help you go through some vital key points to understand about BRICS by highlight some official key points from time to time. By saying that, you could expect we update this post accordingly. Let's getting started.

List of current countries that officially involve in BRICS movement is important to know. Either they involve as Members, Partners or Participants. To know which countries are currently involve in BRICS, we list out them as below:

 BRICS members

  1. Brazil
  2. Russia
  3. India
  4. China
  5. South Africa
  6. UAE
  7. Iran
  8. Egypt
  9. Ethiopia
BRICS partners

  1. Algeria
  2. Belarus*
  3. Bolivia*
  4. Cuba*
  5. Indonesia*
  6. Kazakhstan*
  7. Malaysia*
  8. Nigeria
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. Thailand*
  11. Turkey
  12. Uganda*
  13. Uzbekistan*
  14. Vietnam
BRICS Summit participants di Kazan, Russia 2024
  1. Armenia
  2. Azerbaijan
  3. Bahrain
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Congo
  6. Kyrgyzstan
  7. Laos
  8. Mauritania
  9. Mongolia
  10. Nicaragua
  11. Palestine
  12. Serbia
  13. Sri Lanka
  14. Turkmenistan
  15. Venezuela
After we know now those countries are currently involve in BRICS movement, we want to know what is the different about members, partners and participants.

  1. BRICS Members has a veto to deny any countries who is want to join as a new BRICS Members because of what ever reason behind the veto power. BRICS fundamental policy is any countries to be as a new BRICS Members must get consensus approval by current BRICS Members. 
  2. BRICS Partners are for those has met the criteria to join as BRICS Members. They can permanently take part in special sessions of BRICS summits, ministerial meetings, and other high-level events. Partners can also contribute to the group’s outcome documents
  3. BRICS Participants are for those who is want to join BRICS Members or partners but currently don't met the requirements.
World trend is moving to create Country own's financial system to break SWIFT monopoly. Now they can have financial freedom to do global free trade with each others using their local currency without reliance on US dollar or foreign system.

BRICS Multi-lateral System

- 2024 - BRICS Pay

BRICS Members Multi-lateral System

  • 2001 - SFMS - India
  • 2002 - Shetab - Iran
  • 2014 - SPFS - Russia
  • 2015 - CIPS - China - 1566 banks - 117 countries - 6.6M 2023
  • 2020 - Pix - Brazil

BRICS Members Bi-lateral System

- 11.11.2024 - Russia (MIR - 2015) - Iran (Shetab - 2002) - 100% De-dollarization
- China - Russia - 95% de-dollarization

Why countries want to join BRICS?

  1. SWIFT system is owned by western. When SWIFT system blocked Russia for using it, others countries in the world start looking for alternative system before they also being blocked in the future. BRICS has the alternative system that broke the monopoly of SWIFT.
  2. US dollar is the only currency can be use on SWIFT for transaction between others countries globally so that it is close the ability to transact with what ever other currencies they want. Others countries can't control US dollar which led to de-dollarization and being practice by BRICS Members, western and others countries. US dollar only needed when doing trade with US.
  3. Sanction, Freeze, Seize, Tarif and Political Oriented are among being practices by western countries makes others countries begin to losing trust on western countries.
  4. BRICS is a club to focus on economy. It is not an organization. BRICS is free from bureaucracy and politics. Beside many Global South countries are trying to join BRICS, among western countries also trying to join BRICS because they can see the opportunities to improve their economy. BRICS offer freedom to any country doing business with each others.
  5. BRICS has BRICS Pay system which allowing other than US dollar can be transact between countries even with those countries sanction by US. Many current system such financial, laws, education and many more are being used since very long time ago. The flaws in those system makes BRICS movement became relevant to make some vital changes such as by making a BRICS Pay System.
  6. BRICS has New Development Bank. Countries are losing trust on IMF and World Bank.
  7. BRICS have been proven that they can improve their economy even without keep on using the same systems and practices that been carried out since 1939 after World War 2.
  8. Russia is one of BRICS Members. Russia is well known the most sanction country in the world. Russia was kick from SWIFT. Russia also still in war with Ukraine. Beside all that and not the least keep on happening, Russia managed to achieved better economy than Global Giant G7 members or countries not being in war or kick from SWIFT or sanctions.
  9. BRICS is a club that is not using the same way we have been practices since World War 2. New Idea, New Way, New World Order.
Current BRICS achievement's
  • 53% - Global Production.
  • 52% - Global Natural gas.
  • 45% - Global Population while G7 has 10%.
  • 42% - Global Oil.
  • 35% - PPP Global GDP while G7 has 30%.
Note: G7 is a group of  7 Giants Economy Globally. Western is G7, Europe, NATO, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

  1. Canada
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. Italy
  5. Japan
  6. UK
  7. US
Currently 33 countries being sanction by America.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Balkan
  3. Belarus
  4. Burma
  5. Central African Republic
  6. China
  7. Congo
  8. Cote d'Ivoire
  9. Crimea
  10. Cyprus
  11. Cuba
  12. Donetsk
  13. Eritrea
  14. Ethiopia
  15. Haiti
  16. Hong Kong
  17. Iran
  18. Iraq
  19. Lebanon
  20. Liberia
  21. Libya
  22. Luhansk
  23. Myanmar
  24. North Korea
  25. Russia
  26. Somalia
  27. South Sudan
  28. Sri Lanka
  29. Sudan
  30. Syria
  31. Venezuela
  32. Yemen
  33. Zimbabwe
How current capitalist economy turn out? We can look at America. Do every country want to have the same fate as America by using the same capitalist system? Having debt 35 trillion USD and increasing even more every second 24/7. Make more money by debt upon debt upon debt, Interest, monopoly, privatize, hegemony, tariff, sanction, seize, war, crisis. Print more paper dollar ( fiat, not back by anything value such gold or whatever). Even people daily tied to debt upon debt on credit card for having basic needs. Do those money really have value when you can create in a sleep, out of thin air. Do future really depending on debt upon debt to make money?

Why on earth, The world 1% richest have it all in the whole world? Clearly the capitalist system that we have been using since World War 2 allowing the less than 1% people control the rest of world population, included our own government, our own country. You wonder why they are still don't trust you? 1 people 1 vote still matters?

Economy should be base on real value. Money make in a sleep eventually will losing its purchasing power. Real value of money comes from how the money being hoard at the first place place. If you get money by let your workers sleep in the car, is that you call money? How about you get money by the reality that your workers living own their own house. Economy should benefit everyone. In any countries or company.

When the system by design was created to motivate depend on debt upon debt, there is never ending creation of fake true value of money in those digital numbers. How about the economy to be design only valued money comes from real money. Not fiat, not gamble, not digital number upon digital number such as forex exchange, not in a sleep making money by profit on interest on debt upon debt. Even any fiat money is by design losing its purchasing power.

When people don't spend their money, you lower the rate. When people have money, you increase rate, you devaluation their currency, They lost their purchasing power, lost their home, they keep on using credit cards. You just keep on exploits them by using your system. Decrease or Increase the rate with need their permission.

Digital money makes money much faster. You don't have to print like paper money. You don't have to back the money you printed by backing it with some value such as gold. Easy. You just let the system create more numbers upon number.

Do you embrace rent is good for economy? Do you know how is rent can be absence in productive economy? Picture this

  • We organized production - Productive
  • We develop market - Productive
  • We develop supply of raw material - Productive
  • We intermediate goods (made by labor) go into this product - Productive
  • Finally we get profit from the value that we have been worked for not in a form of rent.
Do you want to embrace that manufacturing is by design pay labor as little as possible? Why a few in manufacturing organization hierarchy get far more than labor on production site? Do you really real happy in current working system? or will you more happy when by design pay labor as little as possible is not in the agenda of manufacturing design.

Instead of manufacturing sector, there so many sectors out there that have workers also. Are they happy? 

How you measure economy? By GDP? What are the components of GDP? Do you measure GDP by include not real money and include those not productive. Do you measure totally by Mathematic? Without consider changing environment impact the result? If GDP real indicate your economy, Why reality in your country not reflect as being portray by your GDP?

Is privatize good for your country?  When everything you want to privatize, your citizen losing their social public. In finance, Health, Education and so on. Everything become more expensive. More portion of their money need to allocate for those private. You take a student loan, get your degree, buy a car, another loan of course, can you afford own a home or you have to rent? About rent we already discuss. So your entire life would be on debt. That's you call freedom when you always tied to your loan?

In there any countries generate their economy base on not debt? Not everything privatize. Can you see the different quality in those countries not in the debt base system? The privatize system. Why worker at McDonald's Malaysia can't buy a home in US? Why McDonald's workers in US can buy a home in Malaysia? They work same hours, same job but they get different purchasing power just because the different of fiat currency that they are using. So how others McDonald workers in the rest of the world? How about doctor, teachers, factories worker around the world? They are doing the same job, the same hours. Is that the system we want to keep using? 

So why not you using US dollar then? How can you let US control your economy by using their US dollar? It is about system. Design to give massive advantages to US dollar not others. To exploit when you are using the system. SWIFT system. You are using the system even when you were born. Its already exist.

People don't have any choice. We are born in your system. Financial system, Education System, Law System and many others systems that interconnected all over the world since World War 2. We are only can be free when we are out of your system or new system created against all those systems.

Economy is an evolution. There will be a survival of the fittest. May we say BRICS is an evolution?

Updated : 19 Nov 2024

So far BRICS just reducing reliance on US dollar by de-dollarization and using new payment systems, which still not clear either can blocked current user or not like Russia been blocked by SWIFT. BRICS still continuously using the dishonest Fiat system. BRICS now can transact even if been US sanctions and using other than US dollar.

To be continue...


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