Bagaimana setting menggunakan Blogger?

Artikal 243 - Panjang 6986
Berikut AZA senaraikan setting yang AZA tetapkan pada blog ini bagi membantu anda untuk blogging menggunakan Blogger dan panduan kepada anda sebagai pengunjung blog ini.
Nombor yang AZA sertakan untuk setiap perkara pada artikal ini bagi memudahkan rujukan specific bila anda berkomunikasi dengan AZA.


1. Title : AZA's blog

2. Description : Internet Untuk Kita

3. Privacy : Listed on Blogger. Visible to search engines


4. Blog Address :


5. HTTPS redirect : Yes. Visitors to this blog will always go to will be served over HTTPS, an encrypted connection.


6. Blog Authors : (Currently only myself as Admin)

7. Blog Readers : Public


8. Show at most : 7 posts on the main page

9. Post Templete : (None)

10. Showcase images with Lightbox : Yes


11. Comment Location : Embedded

12. Who can comment? : Only members of this blog.

13. Comment Moderation ? : Never review comments before they are published.

14. Show word verification ? : Yes. This will require people leaving comments on your blog to complete a word verification step, which will help reduce comment spam.

15. Show Backlinks ? : Hide. Backlinks enable you to keep track of other pages on the web that link to your posts. Selecting Hide does not delete existing backlinks. You can show them at any time by re-selecting Show.

16. Comment Form Message : (None)

Google+ comments

17. Use Google+ Comments on this blog ? : Yes. A single, unified commenting system between Blogger and Google+.

Share to Google+

18. This blog is associated with your personal Google+ profile ? : Yes. Associating your blog with your Google+ profile or page allows you to share your posts to the desired location.

19. Auto-share new published posts to your Google+ profile ? : Yes. When you publish a post, automatically share to Google+ after publishing.

20. Prompt to share after posting ? : No. When you publish a post, display the Google+ share box after publishing.


21. Posting using email ? : Disable. Also known as Mail2Blogger. Use this address to post text and images (up to 10 MB in size) directly to your blog.

22. Comment Notification Email ? : (Your email).You can enter up to ten email addresses, separated by commas. We will email these addresses when someone leaves a comment on your blog.

23. Email posts to ? : (None). Enter a comma-separated list of up to 10 email addresses to have your blog mailed to whenever you publish.


24. Language : Malay - Bahasa Melayu.

25. Enable transliteration ? : Enabled in Arabic. Adds a button to the toolbar for converting words from English to the selected language. (You may change the language in the Post Editor later.) Your transliteration corrections will be saved to help Google improve this tool.


26. Time Zone : (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur

27. Date Header Format ? : Khamis, 29 Jun 2017. This is how the date will appear above your posts.

28. Timestamp Format : June 28, 2017. This will be shown on each article published.

29. Comment Timestamp Format : 29 Jun 2017 5:28 PTG

Search preferences

Meta tags

30. Description : This blog is the utmost platform for me (Azri Zainal Abidin - AZA) sharing my own articles on the internet rather than any other resources. Help users choose to click on your blog in search results by writing a compelling summary of what your blog is all about.

Errors and redirections

31. Custom Page Not Found ? : (Not set). Enter an HTML message that will be displayed on the Page Not Found page instead of the generic message.

32. Custom Redirects ? : (No items). Add custom redirect for external URLs pointing to your blog that do not point to existing posts or pages.

Crawlers and indexing

Warning! Use with caution. Incorrect use of these features can result in your blog being ignored by search engines.

33. Google Search Console : (Edit)

34. Custom robots.txt ? : (Disable). This text will be served instead of the default robots.txt content to search engines.

35. Custom robots header tags ? : (Disable). These flags are used to set the robots header tags served to search engines.


Import & back up

36. Content (pages, posts & comments) : Import content or back up content

Delete blog

37. Remove your blog : (Delete blog)

Site feed

38. Allow Blog Feed ? : Full. Select Full to syndicate the entire contents of your post. Select Until Jump Break to show all post content before your jump break. Select Short to syndicate approximately the first 400 characters. If you select None, your blog will not be syndicated and its content will not be indexed by Google Blog Search.

39. Post Feed Redirect URL ? : (Add). If you have burned your post feed with FeedBurner or used another service to process your feed, enter the full feed URL here. Blogger will redirect all post feed traffic to this address. Leave this blank for no redirection.

40. Post Feed Footer ? : (Add). This will appear after each post in your post feed. If you use ads or other third-party feed additions, you can enter that code here. You must also set Allow Blog Feeds to Full (above).

41. Enable Title Links and Enclosure Links ? : No. This adds the title link and enclosure link options in the post editor. Title links allow you to set a custom URL for your post title. Enclosure links are used to make podcasts, MP3s and other content in your posts playable in feeds like RSS and Atom.


42. Your OpenID URL ? : Your OpenID URL can be used to sign in to other OpenID enabled sites. You may also allow OpenID users to post comments on your blog by adjusting your Comment settings.

Adult Content

43. Adult Content? ? : No. If Yes is selected, viewers of your blog will see a warning message and will be asked to confirm that they want to proceed to your blog.

Google Analytics

44. Analytics Web Property ID ? : (Your ID)

User settings


45. User profile : Google+

46. Use Blogger Draft : Yes.


47. Language on : English (United Kingdom)

Email Notifications

48. Feature announcements : Yes. Send me feature announcements, advice and other information to help me get the most out of my blog. You'll be added to a mailing list and could receive several messages a year. You can stop receiving these messages at any time.

Sebarang pertanyaan anda boleh tinggalkan message anda untuk AZA pada ruangan comment yang disediakan di bawah atau menggunakan alternative berikut iaitu WhatsApp, Telegram Messenger, Skype, Google+ atau YouTube.

Update : Artikal ini AZA update pada Jun 29, 2017.

Quran 2:243

"Tidakkah engkau ketahui (wahai Muhammad) tentang orang-orang yang keluar (melarikan diri) dari kampung halamannya kerana takutkan mati, sedang mereka beribu-ribu ramainya? Maka Allah berfirman kepada mereka:" Matilah kamu " kemudian Allah menghidupkan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa melimpah-limpah kurniaNya kepada manusia (seluruhnya), tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur."

"Have you not considered those who left their homes in many thousands, fearing death? Allah said to them, "Die"; then He restored them to life. And Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people do not show gratitude."

Kefahaman AZA

"Individu perlu bersyukur"



Antara hidup dan mati


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