Design change on SAP ERP

AZA - Artikal 112

For each product produce will having design change from time to time due to improvement of quality, cost, safety, regulation, product efficiency, and so on. Most of design change happen during develop new product. This design change will directly affected to BOM for related product.


The date of implementation is control by valid date from when to when for each material.

Method on how for changes to take affect

Current product have been planned with previous BOM. Those planned which affected to valid date of latest design change must be explode in order for new changes updated to BOM in those planned.


The changes for each design change either can having one or more as follow

1. Quantity eg. from 1 to 2
2. Material (new)
3. Material (as alternative)

1. Quantity eg. from 2 to 0
2. Material

Firm planned

Each firm planned must be explode manually to those specific firm planned in order for new changes to take affected. Fail to do so will impact those planned still using previous BOM even those planned is already in valid date changes must take affected.


Any phantom material which produce by internal, those planned must be explode and only after that all the related material will affected to new changes. Clearly depending on this condition affected those defender. Each phantom material having common material. Each and every common material must be identify because not 100% common material affected to latest design change and must identify which common material affected to design change new valid date.

Material (New Material)

Those new material that only add when at stage of product already having planned with previous BOM must be go through flow of material master updated. The material will be decide either produce by internal or external. Once the new material has been updated, only then it will showing in SAP.

If the material decided to be produce by external, the material must go through for vendor allocation. Clearly this flow consuming time which affected to new unrealistic valid date of design change. The reality only of the material in the vast material BOM fail to met new unrealistic valid date of design change make the product can't be sell or going to next stage of current planned even 99.9% of material in those BOM are good to go.

Level of easiness

Some design change affected the length of material either to get it shorter or longer. But because of this level of easiness have been generated the vast revision must to carried out due to volume of effected are big due to most of material using this material. It become more impact when the changes of this material are frequently keep on practicing.

Copy and Paste practice

By practicing copy paste previous BOM to use on new BOM makes more wider revision happen.

SAP must identify which transaction are prohibited due to it will affected to the whole related networking including planner, spare parts, logistic, manufacturing, vendor, and so on.

Quran 2:112

"Yes [on the contrary], whoever submits his face in Islam to Allah while being a doer of good will have his reward with his Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve."

"(Apa yang kamu katakan itu tidaklah benar) bahkan sesiapa yang menyerahkan dirinya kepada Allah (mematuhi perintahNya) sedang ia pula berusaha supaya baik amalannya, maka ia akan beroleh pahalanya di sisi Tuhannya dan tidaklah ada kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka, dan mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita."

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