Bill of Material on SAP ERP
AZA - Artikal 111
Those high level material in BOM structure having a lot of lower level material. Any changes made to this material either pulling, postpone, additional or cancel will impact to related lower level material in their structure.
SAP allowing order made for this high level material even surely the related material in their structure will appeared suppose to order in the far earlier date. As a result, the vast revision must carried out for related material and all related material gone wrong in SAP system until 100% revision done.
Once any revision made to high level material, the whole networking related to those material are affected to and must act to do the revision at their end which depending on action have been taken by first stage of networking only then the next action can be done by them.
All these networking in real time actually can be procure if SAP don't allow any transaction made for unrealistic high level material which having hundred even thousand of their lower level material.
Those high level material in BOM structure having a lot of lower level material. Any changes made to this material either pulling, postpone, additional or cancel will impact to related lower level material in their structure.
SAP allowing order made for this high level material even surely the related material in their structure will appeared suppose to order in the far earlier date. As a result, the vast revision must carried out for related material and all related material gone wrong in SAP system until 100% revision done.
Once any revision made to high level material, the whole networking related to those material are affected to and must act to do the revision at their end which depending on action have been taken by first stage of networking only then the next action can be done by them.
All these networking in real time actually can be procure if SAP don't allow any transaction made for unrealistic high level material which having hundred even thousand of their lower level material.
Quran 2:111
"And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their wishful thinking, Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful"
"Dan mereka (Yahudi dan Nasrani) berkata pula: "Tidak sekali-kali akan masuk Syurga melainkan orang-orang yang berugama Yahudi atau Nasrani". Yang demikian itu hanyalah angan-angan mereka sahaja. Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Bawalah kemari keterangan-keterangan yang (membuktikan kebenaran) apa yang kamu katakan itu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar"