Addional order on SAP ERP

AZA - Artikal 110


Additional order is allow due to various reason. This order made for material which can get locally and in small quantities which short lead time given to the material producer to deliver sudden order. Normally the producer will using their stocks to full fill this new order but not to forget it is also involving transportation timing consuming. Normally this material produce by internal or external of company.


Before any additional order made, the movement transaction must be perform. In some cases, the additional order made first and only then the related transaction will be perform. In this case, there is room for not performing those transaction due to various reason so that 100% can't be achieve simply because failing to follow procedure.


1. Additional order still using form. Some hand writing is hard to read so that some material input into SAP are not exist.

2. Some order issue no need to issue because using stock or internal made. But why issue?, again due to not perform transaction before issue order. Only discover the problem at last minutes.

3. Some order just add in into the list which already get approval from authorize superior so that the add in is by pass those approval.

4. So many times have to request to perform pending transaction even after months. Clearly affected real time accuracy for the whole network.

5. Routine job affected by this additional order when the volume of additional order using your time and makes your routine pending, messing and hard to manage because instead of additional order by request form, another method keep on come by email which the volume is more hard to measure. But more easy and accurate because thanks to excel instead of .pdf file.

6. Outlook and excel helps a lot to makes your job more efficient.

7. Thanks to SAP because excel friendly.

8. Some additional may come by instruction of your superior either by verbal or by a piece of paper.


SAP doesn't have the functionality to release the order created only if the transaction promises to be perform. Lack of this functionality clearly affected data which the core SAP itself is in real time data showing to the whole networking. Real time is 100% depending to without fail to perform any transaction which will be affected to finance, planning, consumption, and so on.

SAP must ensure there is no way to doing wrong in SAP ecosystem. The vast material involving in BOM surely not good for real time environment when SAP allowing such scenario.

As this keep on happening, some material showing minus stock while others material in the very long past date for months even years still showing in the SAP independent requirement. Clearly indicate the accuracy is very wrong.

QURAN 2:110

"And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do, is Seeing."

"Dan dirikanlah oleh kamu akan sembahyang dan tunaikanlah zakat dan apa jua yang kamu dahulukan dari kebaikan untuk diri kamu, tentulah kamu akan mendapat balasan pahalanya di sisi Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Melihat segala yang kamu kerjakan."

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